Who Is Coaching the Coaches?


Everybody understands the value of coaching. World class golfers rely on coaches to improve
everything from their swing to their diet. Executive coaches assist C-level managers in navigating tricky situations. Bank sales leaders are expected to devote more and more time to coaching and developing their teams.

But who is coaching the coaches? Can a case be made for providing coaching to bank sales leaders? The answer is an emphatic yes and here are 6 situations where engaging an external coach makes sense if you sales leader is:

1.) New to the bank: Jane was recently hired from a large regional bank to manage the
commercial team of a community bank. Her background in management qualified her for the job but learning more about the resources that she would have at her disposal made her a great candidate for coaching.

2.) New in the market: Andy had been successful in various leadership roles within his bank. But when he was asked to move from a metro market to a rural market, he found that it was difficult to apply some of the things that he had grown used to in his previous assignment. Coaching helped him see that there was more than one way to approach developing his team.

3.) Promoted from within the team: Larry had been a high-performing relationship manager before being asked to lead the team that he had been a part of. Making the transition from peer to boss is never an easy one, but coaching enabled Larry to avoid many pitfalls.

4.) Given an expanded territory: Joanne’s team grew from six branch managers to eleven as a result of a reorganization and extended the territory that she was responsible for. Finding ways to work remotely made it much easier for her to get up to speed quickly.

5.) Inheriting a challenging team: Christine was asked to take on responsibilities for a team that had floundered under previous leadership. She found that coaching helped her in the initial assessment of her team members. (Note: Sales-specific assessments can be used to identify areas for improvement in an existing team. If you would like to see a sample assessment tool that was built for sales, go here or email me at nmiller@mzbierlyconsulting.com.)

6.) Not making progress developing his team: Dan had been a successful sales leader in his organization for several years, but was approaching what he described as a plateau in his own performance. He felt that he needed to revisit some of the things he was doing to reinvigorate himself and his team.

Do any of these fit you or your organization? If yes, call me on 484-433-2378 to discuss your situation.

Here are some popular articles on sales leadership that you might have missed: 
Identifying and Developing Bank Sales Leaders
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