4 Weekly Tasks for Bank Sales Managers (Video)

4 Weekly Tasks for Bank Sales Managers

Quick summary for those of you who don’t like watching videos:

1. Start every Monday off with a 20-30 minute sales meeting. Focus on lead generation and pipeline “pull-through”.

2. On Friday have sales team members update their pipeline reports. Identify any things that you need to ask about in the coming week.

3. Get a list by close of business on Friday of the calls your team has scheduled for the coming week. See if you like the quantity and quality of the activity. Decide if there are any calls you would like to go on.

4. Repeat the process each week.

Bonus: If you would like to download a copy of a Relationship Planning Guide, click on the link below. It will help your team members identify opportunities with both clients and prospects and develop approrpriate strategies for targeted businesses. You can use it in your 1 on 1 coaching sessions and quarterly client reviews.

Download Relationship Planning Guide

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